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North Korea President Rules

WEB Leader Symbols and Personality Cult in North Korea

Sublime Leader: A God on Earth

In North Korea, the Kim family, specifically Supreme Leaders Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un, are revered as infallible deities. The personality cult surrounding them has transformed them into symbols of absolute power and divinity, permeating every aspect of North Korean society.

Revolutionary Lineage and Divine Status

Kim Il-sung, the founder of North Korea, is hailed as the "Eternal President" and "Great Leader." His accomplishments are celebrated through national holidays, monuments, and countless propaganda materials. His son, Kim Jong-il, is known as the "Dear Leader" and "Brilliant Comrade." His rule is characterized by economic reforms and a nuclear weapons program that has brought North Korea into international isolation.

The current Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, is hailed as the "Respected Leader" and "Marshal of the Republic." He has consolidated his power and initiated a series of controversial diplomatic initiatives, including summits with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and US President Donald Trump. Despite these efforts, North Korea remains a highly secretive and repressive regime.

The Kim family's divine status is reinforced through a pervasive propaganda system that portrays them as infallible, omnipotent, and invincible. Their images adorn every building, street, and home. Citizens are expected to show absolute loyalty and reverence to the Supreme Leader, and any perceived disrespect can result in severe consequences.

The Cult of the Personality

The personality cult surrounding the Kim family is a key element of North Korean ideology. It serves to legitimize their rule, control the population, and inspire loyalty. The regime employs a wide range of techniques to cultivate this cult, including:

  • Selective censorship and propaganda
  • Control of education and media
  • Enforced political indoctrination
  • Promotion of a collective identity centered around the Supreme Leader


The cult of the personality surrounding the Kim family has profound implications for North Korean society. It creates a pervasive atmosphere of fear and surveillance, stifles critical thinking, and limits the country's potential for progress. As North Korea continues its journey toward a more open and prosperous future, the dismantling of this personality cult will be an essential step.
